
QuantumACES.jl is a package for designing and simulating scalable and performant Pauli noise characterisation experiments for stabiliser circuits with averaged circuit eigenvalue sampling (ACES). It is particularly interested in characterising the noise associated with fault-tolerant gadgets in the context of topological quantum error correcting codes, such as surface code syndrome extraction circuits.

The methods used in this package are detailed in arXiv:2404.06545, and the code generating the data for this paper can be found in the scalable_aces folder on the scalable_aces branch. These methods build on the original ACES protocol presented in arXiv:2108.05803. This package relies on Stim for stabiliser circuit simulations.

The Package Guide describes how to start using QuantumACES.jl.

The Public API section documents the public functions and types of QuantumACES.jl.